GPT-4 & Pinecone - Ask Questions About Any Website: Academy

In this video tutorial, we're walk through a Colab notebook that shows you how to augment GPT-4 with a separate body of knowledge to create a custom AI assistant.

a year ago   •   10 min read

By Peter Foy

In this video tutorial, we'll go through a Colab notebook that shows you how to crawl a website and turn it into a GPT-4 enabled AI assistant.

In this case, I've crawled my own website but you could apply it to many other use cases that involve augmenting GPT-4 with a separate body of knowledge or external database.

This is the video companion to the article below:

GPT-4 & Pinecone: Turning a Website into an AI Assistant
In this guide, we’re going to augment GPT-4 with a separate body of knowledge and use a vector database to create a custom AI assistant.

In the notebook, the steps I'll walk through include:

  • Scraping my own site
  • Convert the text from each article into embeddings using the OpenAI API
  • Store these embeddings in a vector database: Pinecone
  • Use GPT-4 to query the site, answer with context, and return relevant article sources

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